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Dr. Kenneth Rosenthal
Dr. Jonathan C. O’Quinn
Dr. Michael J. Price

(252) 830-1000

Greenville, North Carolina
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May 2023

Tuesday, 30 May 2023 00:00

Women and Gout

The majority of people who are affected by gout are men. However, it can also happen to women who are past menopausal age and may result due to a lack of estrogen. Gout is caused by excess uric acid levels in the body, which may increase after a woman reaches menopause. Many people associate gout with eating foods that have high levels of purines. These foods include shellfish, red meat, and drinks containing large amounts of sugar. Gout has been known to be a man’s disease as they had these types of eating habits centuries ago. Over the years, women have kept their gout attacks hidden from society, possibly from fear of being labeled as indulging in excess food and drink. Gout can cause severe pain and discomfort and generally affects the big toe. Uric acid will cause crystals to form in the joints of the big toe, which may result in extreme pain, redness, and swelling. Gout patients require the expertise of a podiatrist, and it is suggested this type of doctor be contacted to provide the correct treatment options for you.

Gout is a foot condition that requires certain treatment and care. If you are seeking treatment, contact one of our podiatrists from Eastern Carolina Foot & Ankle Specialists. Our doctors will treat your foot and ankle needs.

What Is Gout?

Gout is a type of arthritis caused by a buildup of uric acid in the bloodstream. It often develops in the foot, especially the big toe area, although it can manifest in other parts of the body as well. Gout can make walking and standing very painful and is especially common in diabetics and the obese.

People typically get gout because of a poor diet. Genetic predisposition is also a factor. The children of parents who have had gout frequently have a chance of developing it themselves.

Gout can easily be identified by redness and inflammation of the big toe and the surrounding areas of the foot. Other symptoms include extreme fatigue, joint pain, and running high fevers. Sometimes corticosteroid drugs can be prescribed to treat gout, but the best way to combat this disease is to get more exercise and eat a better diet.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Greenville, NC . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Everything You Need to Know About Gout
Published in Blog
Tuesday, 23 May 2023 00:00

Foot Stitches

Sometimes when an individual endures a wound on their foot, they may require stitches of some kind. Stitches are essentially a way to close the two sides of a skin wound. If a patient has stitches in their foot, they may have to take specific steps to care for their stitches, ensuring they do not become infected. For example, a medical professional may recommend the patient keep the stitches dry and clean, particularly in the first day.  Additionally, an individual may consider refraining from engaging in physical activities that can tear the skin apart at the stitches. Lastly, a medical professional may advise against swimming, as this activity would submerge the stitches in water. If you are someone that has stitches or will need stitches on their feet, it is suggested that you contact a podiatrist today for treatment.

Wound care is an important part in dealing with diabetes. If you have diabetes and a foot wound or would like more information about wound care for diabetics, consult with one of our podiatrists from Eastern Carolina Foot & Ankle Specialists. Our doctors will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment.

What Is Wound Care?

Wound care is the practice of taking proper care of a wound. This can range from the smallest to the largest of wounds. While everyone can benefit from proper wound care, it is much more important for diabetics. Diabetics often suffer from poor blood circulation which causes wounds to heal much slower than they would in a non-diabetic. 

What Is the Importance of Wound Care?

While it may not seem apparent with small ulcers on the foot, for diabetics, any size ulcer can become infected. Diabetics often also suffer from neuropathy, or nerve loss. This means they might not even feel when they have an ulcer on their foot. If the wound becomes severely infected, amputation may be necessary. Therefore, it is of the upmost importance to properly care for any and all foot wounds.

How to Care for Wounds

The best way to care for foot wounds is to prevent them. For diabetics, this means daily inspections of the feet for any signs of abnormalities or ulcers. It is also recommended to see a podiatrist several times a year for a foot inspection. If you do have an ulcer, run the wound under water to clear dirt from the wound; then apply antibiotic ointment to the wound and cover with a bandage. Bandages should be changed daily and keeping pressure off the wound is smart. It is advised to see a podiatrist, who can keep an eye on it.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Greenville, NC . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Wound Care
Published in Blog
Wednesday, 17 May 2023 00:00

Do Your Child's Feet Hurt?

Have your child's feet been examined lately? Healthy feet are happy feet. If your child is complaining of foot pain, it may be a sign of underlying problems.

Published in Blog
Tuesday, 16 May 2023 00:00

Acute Metatarsal Fracture

When an individual breaks or fractures their foot, it is important to note which kind of fracture has developed. For example, one important kind of foot fracture is known as an acute metatarsal fracture. This can occur after a sudden and forceful blow to the feet, from a sports injury, or from kicking a heavy object. Importantly, acute metatarsal fractures are divided up into four different major classifications. There are open fractures, closed fractures, displaced fractures, and not displaced fractures. What makes a fracture open is when the skin is broken over the fractured bone. Also, what makes a fracture displaced is that the bones have slipped out of alignment. If you are suffering from a broken foot, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist today for treatment. 

A broken foot requires immediate medical attention and treatment. If you need your feet checked, contact one of our podiatrists from Eastern Carolina Foot & Ankle Specialists. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Broken Foot Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

A broken foot is caused by one of the bones in the foot typically breaking when bended, crushed, or stretched beyond its natural capabilities. Usually the location of the fracture indicates how the break occurred, whether it was through an object, fall, or any other type of injury. 

Common Symptoms of Broken Feet:

  • Bruising
  • Pain
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Blue in color
  • Numbness
  • Cold
  • Misshapen
  • Cuts
  • Deformities

Those that suspect they have a broken foot shoot seek urgent medical attention where a medical professional could diagnose the severity.

Treatment for broken bones varies depending on the cause, severity and location. Some will require the use of splints, casts or crutches while others could even involve surgery to repair the broken bones. Personal care includes the use of ice and keeping the foot stabilized and elevated.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Greenville, NC . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment for a Broken Foot
Published in Blog
Tuesday, 09 May 2023 00:00

Ankle Instability

Ankle sprains are common, particularly among athletes. They can affect posture, muscles, and strength and when they recur or do not heal properly, ankle sprains can lead to chronic ankle instability and related problems. One can feel persistent pain and have trouble bearing weight, doing strenuous activities, and walking on rugged surfaces. A brace or taping for sports and physical therapy to help with balance and strengthening of the ankle are often considered for such instability, but sometimes surgery is required as a treatment to repair injured ligaments. If you have injured your ankle, it is suggested that you make an appointment with a podiatrist promptly. Proper diagnosis and treatment can ensue so that the ankle heals, and long-term ankle instability is prevented. 

Ankle pain can have many different causes and the pain may potentially be serious. If you have ankle pain, consult with one of our podiatrists from Eastern Carolina Foot & Ankle Specialists. Our doctors will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment.

Ankle pain is any condition that causes pain in the ankle. Due to the fact that the ankle consists of tendons, muscles, bones, and ligaments, ankle pain can come from a number of different conditions.


The most common causes of ankle pain include:

  • Types of arthritis (rheumatoid, osteoarthritis, and gout)
  • Ankle sprains
  • Broken ankles
  • Achilles tendinitis
  • Achilles tendon rupture
  • Stress fractures
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome
  • Plantar fasciitis


Symptoms of ankle injury vary based upon the condition. Pain may include general pain and discomfort, swelling, aching, redness, bruising, burning or stabbing sensations, and/or loss of sensation.


Due to the wide variety of potential causes of ankle pain, podiatrists will utilize a number of different methods to properly diagnose ankle pain. This can include asking for personal and family medical histories and of any recent injuries. Further diagnosis may include sensation tests, a physical examination, and potentially x-rays or other imaging tests.


Just as the range of causes varies widely, so do treatments. Some more common treatments are rest, ice packs, keeping pressure off the foot, orthotics and braces, medication for inflammation and pain, and surgery.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Greenville, NC . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.


Read more about Ankle Pain
Published in Blog
Tuesday, 02 May 2023 00:00

Types of Athlete's Foot

Athlete’s foot is a common condition that can be uncomfortable and is caused by a fungus that lives in moist environments. These can include shower room floors, public swimming pools, and similar areas. Athlete's foot is contagious so it is beneficial to wear appropriate shoes such as flip flops or water shoes in these areas. Further, it is helpful to refrain from sharing shoes, towels, or socks, as this may help to reduce the spread of athlete’s foot. There are a few categories of athlete's foot, therefore, the symptoms may vary. Itchy, cracked skin between the fourth and fifth toes may indicate a toe web infection that may worsen if a bacterial infection develops. A moccasin-type infection may begin with a sore foot, followed by thickened skin on the heel. If blisters develop it might be a vesicular infection which can appear anywhere on the foot. If you have symptoms of athlete's foot, it is strongly suggested that you are under the care of a podiatrist who can offer you the correct treatment methods.

Athlete’s foot is an inconvenient condition that can be easily reduced with the proper treatment. If you have any concerns about your feet and ankles, contact one of our podiatrists from Eastern Carolina Foot & Ankle Specialists.  Our doctors will treat your foot and ankle needs.

Athlete’s Foot: The Sole Story

Athlete's foot, also known as tinea pedis, can be an extremely contagious foot infection. It is commonly contracted in public changing areas and bathrooms, dormitory style living quarters, around locker rooms and public swimming pools, or anywhere your feet often come into contact with other people.

Solutions to Combat Athlete’s Foot

  • Hydrate your feet by using lotion
  • Exfoliate
  • Buff off nails
  • Use of anti-fungal products
  • Examine your feet and visit your doctor if any suspicious blisters or cuts develop

Athlete’s foot can cause many irritating symptoms such as dry and flaking skin, itching, and redness. Some more severe symptoms can include bleeding and cracked skin, intense itching and burning, and even pain when walking. In the worst cases, Athlete’s foot can cause blistering as well. Speak to your podiatrist for a better understanding of the different causes of Athlete’s foot, as well as help in determining which treatment options are best for you.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Greenville, NC . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Athlete’s Foot
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